Tuesday 3 February 2015

Good Nutrition is Good Nutrition, for you, your family and for animals.

e'Pap is truly remarkable, with this high nutrition playing a role in many people's lives, not only for themselves but also the animals in their care.  Thanks to e'Pap, Sabi the orphaned rhino grew from strength to strength,  a 700kg bull with mange was successfully treated, crocodile hatchlings at a breeding programme are receiving high nutrition and even a sickly python has recovered! Of the many stories that are coming in about the difference e'Pap is making, here are a couple for you to read and enjoy...

The day we discovered e’Pap…
Running a wildlife rehabilitation centre is no easy task especially when it comes to feeding times. There are always tummies waiting to be filled with not only a tasty meal, but one that is filled with all the right nutrients too.
For as long as we can remember an expensive local instant porridge was the solution to any feeding problem. But today we have now found our own solution, e’Pap!

Bangwe the rescued warthog was the first animal at Free tobe Wild to be introduced to e’Pap.  It didn't take long, literally 3 minutes and the whole bowl was gone. A fair amount on his face but most of it in his stomach! From this day on we have not looked back! Noticing Bangwe's maintained condition, energy levels and general wellbeing we knew we were onto something great!

Clearly Bangwe was enjoying his food way too much as it wasn't long before the baboons, dogs and bush babies were fighting him for a little taste, each pushing him out the way to get to the porridge. We then started trying e’Pap on our animals that need extra supplement feeding and to this day, three times a day, two juvenile baboons, a Warthog, two puppies, two bush babies and occasionally the baby klipspringer eat e’Pap!

Chami the Labrador and e’Pap

Our 7 year old Labrador Chami got biliary. We took her to vet, but a day after starting treatment, she collapsed and we rushed her back to the vet. She was on drip for 7 days, had not eaten or drunk any water, had liver failure, water on the lungs and was dying.

We thought of e’Pap, if it is saving lives all across Africa maybe it could save our Labbie…it was a last ditch try at saving her life.
We started her on 25grams e’Pap in milk in a syringe and force fed her 4 times that day.

By that evening she was responding, and wagging her tail.

She drank all her water that night and made her first poop in 8 days.

The next day we gave her 50 grams 3 times, and by that night she ate cooked chicken and drank lots of water.

The 3rd day she ate chicken and rice 4 times still on the e’Pap as well.

We still have to be careful with her and her diet as her liver is compromised, but she is living a full life, going for walks, swimming in the dam and …YES she still has e’Pap every morning at 8am.

All the dogs now have e’Pap every morning and have soft beautiful fur and are a seriously a healthy bunch.
Allen Jones & Jenny Lotter.

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