As parents we all know nutrition is the most important key
to a child's growth and ability to learn.
e'Pap is an affordable and effective way to provide your
little one with 29 of the most important vitamins and minerals to make sure
that one day your child will reach full potential. The important nutrients such
as iron, zinc, iodine and vitamin A are all delivered at 100% of the Recommended
Daily Allowance (RDA) in a form that is easy for the body to absorb.
From the mouths of babes, listen to what this little guys has to say about his e'Pap!
According to Project Healthy Children “The Zimbabwe
Demographic and Health Survey 2010-2011 reports widespread anaemia among all
populations including more than half of children less than 5 years of age and
28% of women of reproductive age… Such micronutrient deficiencies threaten
urban and rural Zimbabweans from all socio-economic segments since, for
example, among women and children there is virtually no difference in anaemia
prevalence from the poorest to the richest income group.”
Iron, just one of the minerals in e’Pap, is the gold of the
body. It is a nutrient that's needed to
make haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells. Red blood
cells circulate throughout the body to deliver oxygen to all its cells. Without
enough iron, the body can't make enough red blood cells, and tissues and organs
won't get the oxygen they need. So it's important for children to get enough
iron in their daily diets.
Making children nutrient replete will help address many
challenges in their lives at school. There are links between nutritional status and
violent behaviour to a lack of academic performance. Falling asleep at 9.00am in school, lack of
concentration, ADD and low academic performance all have links to a compromised
nutritional status. These are challenges that can be addressed with an
effective nutritional intervention such as e’Pap.

What an easy way to make sure all parents and pre-schools
give our little ones great health. Have a look at what is in a bowl of e'Pap a
day, more than any other fortified cereal on the market right now.
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